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Diaper Punishment


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  • Explosive Diarrhea
  • Zaydas Enema
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  • You Let The Diaper
  • Zayda No 2s
  • Marley Takes
  • Marleys Urgent
  • Three A Loser One
  • To Wear Someones
  • Hd Version Elise
  • Locked In A
  • Bound Elise
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  • Elise Explodes Her
  • Frank Gets A Urine
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    Most Recent Messy Diaper Punishment Videos! more
     Franks Enema Punishment Turns Sloppy
    36 minutes

      Franks Enema Punishment Turns Sloppy - Frank thinks it is play time but once elise places him into bondage she reveals the fact she found his hidden diaper porn collection. Frank denies that it is his collection but elise decides to punish & humiliate him over it. She administers a 4 qt. Enema as frank protests that he is simply holding the collection for someone else. Once she has filled his bum she diapers him and makes him hold it. He explodes into the diaper which cannot contain the entire mess and collects between his ankles.

(no edits or cuts before, during or after enema. Real enema, real release)   To Her Panties
    9 minutes

      To  Her Panties - Ash has been constipated for almost a week now. To correct this problem bob has chained her down in a hole under his house. She has nothing more than a pair of panties and a tee shirt on. When bob comes down to see her he has a bottle of suppositories and a small glycerin enema in his hand. He orders her to bare her bottom and then shoves two suppositories deep into her rectum. He then empties the glycerin enema into her. Afterward, he pulls her panties back up and leaves her there. It doesn’t take long at all before she starts feeling the effects of what bob put into her booty. She doesn’t want to **** her panties but nature takes its own course.
     Zayda Has To Pee Bad
    4 minutes

      Zayda Has To Pee Bad - Zayda walks into her bedroom with a need to pee. She quickly finds her diaper and dons it. She then sits on the edge of the bed and releases a torrent of urine into her tena diaper. When she finally stops peeing she rubs her diaper all over enjoying the warm sensation between her legs. Not satisfied, she removes the diaper and inspects it. Heavy, full and warm. She loves a wet diaper so she puts it back on and then leaves the room to wear it while doing chores around the house.  Diaper Tease At The Fast Food Restaurant
    10 minutes

      Diaper Tease At The Fast Food Restaurant - Ash just loves wearing her diaper. Today she decided to get dressed up and head to her favorite fast food restaurant and tease the customers with her diaper. Wearing a thick bambino diaper beneath her sun dress she heads inside to order. After getting her order rung up she heads to the ***** machine where she decides to bend over and tie her shoe in front of several customers. This reveals her diaper for anyone to view. She then heads to her table where she lifts her dress and refastens her diaper several times, enjoying the sound it makes each time she plays with it. Between bites of her meal she continues to bare her diaper for all to see. In fact, she ends up getting thrown out of the restaurant for “indecent exposure”.
     Baby Ash Gets Fed Breakfast And A Diaper Change
    10 minutes

      Baby Ash Gets Fed Breakfast And A Diaper Change - Baby ash is gently ***** up in her crib for breakfast. After she climbs from her crib bob sits her in a chair and spoon feeds her oatmeal. She’s been ******** with two diapers on all night because she has a serious bedwetting problem. Once she is fed bob lays her down on a blanket and checks her diaper –which she said didn’t need changing. Once down to her second diaper it is clear she had a big accident last night. Her diaper is all saggy and yellow inside. After powdering her and placing her in a fresh diaper bob helps her back into her onesie and off to her daily chores.  Pov Spoon And Breast Fed By Mommy
    12 minutes

      Pov  Spoon And Breast Fed By Mommy - Zayda has you on the floor in your nice clean diaper. She is sitting in front of you on the couch. She just finished cooking you your favorite meal, homemade pureed peas and carrots. She made it just for you --her little diaper boy. She has it in a serving saucer with a baby spoon. "yummy, yummy. Look at that. Good boys get spoon fed by their mommies. Don't they?" she tells you, "alright, open wide. Here comes the airplane!" she then sticks the mashed up, warm vegetables into your waiting mouth. She makes sure to dodge it around a bit and baby talk you as she spoon feeds you. "zoom!" into your mouth. Then she gives you warm kisses as you eat your dinner. She really enjoys feeding you and making sure you are all changed and clean when you are a good boy. Once you have finished your meal she checks with you to see if you are still hungry for desert. "we can just put you to bed if you are", she tells you. "you don't have to suck mommy's tits dry...What?! You want too?!" baby wants his milk. But you have to suck both tits dry or she isn't going to let you. Her titties are so full and sore from all the milk inside. She doesn't want to leak all night if you can't do it. Once she is convinced you can she plops her breasts out, kneads them a bit and then rubs one of her nipples right up at your mouth. Then she tells you to slurp it all up. She gives you a nice long time to empty each breast, allowing you an up close personal view. When you are finally full, as you pull away, a large glob of breast milk runs down her titty.

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     Pov Zayda Describes Peeing Her Jeans In Chemistry Class
    9 minutes
      Pov  Zayda Describes Peeing Her Jeans In Chemistry Class - Zayda just got home from ****** and she is so embarrassed. She was in chemistry class and had to p.Ee real bad. They were just about to take a quiz so she thought she would take that and then go p.Ee afterward. After all, she knew she could nail the quiz --no problem. Problem was, right in the middle of the quiz she couldn't hold it any longer and p.Eed her jeans right there in class! Naturally, to her horror, it seeps through her jeans and puddles right there on the floor where she is sitting. She was really embarrassed by the loud stream it made that everyone in class could hear. She was completely **********. Everyone stared and pointed at her. They yelled mean things like how she is a baby and needs to wear a diaper. The boy she has a crush on saw her, pointed at her and called her a loser. They all started yelling "whaa, whaa, baby is p.Eeing her pants!" she was so ********** she started to cry. It was like she had to walk the gauntlet of kids yelling mean, derogative barbs at her as she made her way from class to the bus. On her way there she bumps into a teacher who asks her what is wrong. He wants to know if she needs to go to the nurse's station and put some diapers on. "like really!!" even her friends laughed at her. They didn't even want anybody to know that they were her friends. When she gets to the bus stop it seems like it takes forever for the bus to come. Meanwhile, everyone is noticing and staring and commenting. Even a car went by and threw a diaper at her. To make matters worse, the boy she likes saw this happen and laughed at her! She was so utterly **********. Finally, the bus gets there and no one wants to sit next to her. Even the bus driver tells her she isn't allowed to sit down. And if she p.Ees on his bus he is going to kick her off. So she has to stand on the bus the whole time. This makes the p.Ee stain in her jeans painfully obvious. It's like she's on display and everyone is talking about her, telling her she needs diapers. She has never been so ********** in her life.  Three A Loser One Enema A Messy Diaper
    21 minutes
      Three  A Loser One Enema  A Messy Diaper - Elise invited marley & zayda over for an evening. They decide to play spin the bottle and who ever it lands on has to remove an article of clothing. Marley and elise don't know it but zayda has on a diaper beneath her clothes. So when the suggestion for removing clothing comes up zayda resists, instead suggesting they kiss one another. But elise is being a real bitch and states she doesn't want to kiss either one of them. As the game progresses zayda is unfortunate enough to only be wearing socks and a dress and ends up revealing her diaper to elise & marley. Elise is disgusted by this and marley finds she is intriqued. When elise goes off to get drinks zayda talks marley into donning a diaper too. They also decide to hatch a plan to get back at elise for being such a bitch --a game of double or nothing. Turns out, elise is going to get one heck of an enema adminstered by marley and zayda. Afterward, they put her in a diaper and make her release it. Real enema / real release
     Zayda Gets Ten Suppositories
    8 minutes
      Zayda Gets Ten Suppositories - Bob decided zayda needs to mess her diaper. He places her n stocks and then shoves ten suppositories into her rectum. Afterward he diapers her and leaves the room. It doesn’t take long before she feels the effects of the suppositories and needs to mess. She grunts a little before an obvious lump appears in her diaper. When bob comes back later he pats her ass and smashes the mess into her bottom. It smells really bad too!  Coerced Diaper Messing Turns Into Carpet Smear
    16 minutes
      Coerced Diaper Messing Turns Into Carpet  Smear - Bob awoke horny and in his diaper. When he tries to reach for leilani for some diaper sex she is aghast. She tells him that she thinks his diaper fetish is childish and disgusting. Bob is sore about this as they head to the breakfast table. While eating they discuss what happened earlier. Leilani again tells bob just how much she dislikes his diaper fetish. Bob is hurt and when she gets up to get herself a cup of coffee he pulls out two powerful laxatives from the waist of his diaper. After dropping them into her oatmeal he stirs it up so she doesn’t notice. When she returns she eats it while still giving bob a hard time about his fetish. It doesn’t take long before she starts to feel the affects of the laxative. She tells bob she needs to go lay down for a bit, that she is having serious cramps. When he goes to check on her in the bedroom she is leaving, on her way to the toilet. Bob quickly shoves her into a empty room and slams the door shut, locking it. What she finds inside is a diaper and a note. She’d always said she would never wear a diaper. Reading the note, she finds bob is going to make sure she wears a diaper today. She has the choice of either pooping in a diaper or doing it on the floor. She bangs on the door and yells for bob –who yells back he’ll be gone for a few hours. As her urgency grows she is left with a *********** situation. She doesn’t want to wear that diaper but she can’t get out of the room to go to the toilet. Left with no real choice she decides to diaper herself and fill it up. After dropping a big mess in the diaper she knows immediately she doesn’t want to sit in it until bob gets back. She decides to remove it and out of anger she throws it against the locked door. She still has a very messy behind with no way to clean herself up. Mumbling under her breath at bob she decides to wipe her ass on the carpet like a dog. This leaves a long trail of mess on the carpet.
     Ash Releases Enema Into White Capri Pants
    10 minutes
      Ash Releases Enema Into White Capri Pants - Bob is sick of ash's in subornation has as given her a massive enema then pulled her white capri pants back up. After tying her hands up to the ceiling he leaves her there. It doesn't take long for her inability to hold it and she ***** all down the while pants.  You Let The Diaper Supply Run Out
    11 minutes
      You Let The Diaper Supply Run Out - (full hd 1280x720 @ 6m/sec.) Having let the supply of diapers run dry ash is going to be punished with a very large enema while she is locked in stocks. Bob fills the enema bag with several quarts of water and then shoves the nozzle into her butt. Once she has taken the water in her belly becomes quite distended. Bob grabs a tena diaper and places the nappy snugly onto her. She begs him to let her release it. She tells him how uncomfortable her belly feels. Just when she starts to become hysterical for release bob gives her permission to go. Immediately she starts and the diaper can be seen bulging outward from the pressure in her ass. It also becomes very stained and heavy. Lots of noise is associated with her release. Once she has released it all bob grabs a paddle and starts to paddle her over the heavy, soiled diaper squishing it all in around her pussy. He then leaves her there as he goes out for some lunch.

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    Welcome To Messy Diaper Punishment
    We have some bad girls here that need to be punished. Some cant remember to wear their diaper, some mess in their diaper to frequently, some cant change themselves and still others do nothing more than make big messes. All need to be punished. From making them sit in a soiled diaper while in bondage to making them sleep in a soiled diaper over night to filling their bum with fluid and making them mess themselves uncontrollably --at MDP, we punish them for it!

    Featuring 153 Clips / 1519 minutes of video!

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      Franks Enema Punishment Turns Sloppy

    Franks Enema Punishment Turns Sloppy


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       To Her Panties

    To  Her Panties


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      Zayda Has To Pee Bad

    Zayda Has To Pee Bad


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      Diaper Tease At The Fast Food Restaurant

    Diaper Tease At The Fast Food Restaurant


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      Baby Ash Gets Fed Breakfast And A Diaper Change

    Baby Ash Gets Fed Breakfast And A Diaper Change


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      Pov Spoon And Breast Fed By Mommy

    Pov  Spoon And Breast Fed By Mommy


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      Zaydas Public Punishment

    Zaydas Public Punishment


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      Pov Confessions Of An Adult Baby

    Pov  Confessions Of An Adult Baby


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      Pov Zayda Describes Peeing Her Jeans In Chemistry Class

    Pov  Zayda Describes Peeing Her Jeans In Chemistry Class


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      Pov Zayda Stuffs A Diaper Up Your Ass

    Pov  Zayda Stuffs A Diaper Up Your Ass


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      Diaper Pussy Stuffing Ii

    Diaper Pussy Stuffing Ii


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      Coerced Diaper Messing Turns Into Carpet Smear

    Coerced Diaper Messing Turns Into Carpet  Smear


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      Diapered Cuckold Watches Elise Masturbate

    Diapered Cuckold Watches Elise Masturbate


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      Elise Is Punished For A Bad Diet

    Elise Is Punished For A Bad Diet


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      Elise Drops A Big Noisy Load In Her Diaper

    Elise Drops A Big Noisy Load In Her Diaper


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